A beginner’s guide to motherhood

Starting Daycare

Daycare. The, often times, dreaded word new moms don’t want to even think about. At least, that’s how it was for me with Amelia. I so enjoyed being able to be home with my new baby for the three months of maternity leave I was grateful to have through work, but it did come to […]

Baby Registry Recommendations

Being a first time mom myself, I remember feeling extremely overwhelmed as to what to get ready for my new coming baby. In fact, I was so stressed that I put off doing my registry for a long time, to include everything else. I figured I’d get it figured out eventually before Amelia came, but […]

What’s In My Hospital Bag?

I remember how stressed I felt at the thought of having absolutely no idea of what to get ready for an expecting baby. I remember being 8 months pregnant, getting close to the end of my apartment lease, working full time, being exhausted constantly, and just feeling overwhelmed with EVERYTHING. Specifically having no thought process […]

My Top 15 Recommendations For New Moms

June 9, 2020 at approx. 6:50am – I became a brand spanking new mom to my precious Amelia. Oh, my what an experience this has been so far! And I know it will keep on going, highly unlikely that time will slow down with it. Prior to Amelia’s arrival, I remember feeling so distraught about […]

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome, friends! My name is Ashtyn and this is my blog! I am so excited to start this journey as I love writing and sharing about my life experiences, my likes, my interests, and pretty much anything that comes to my mind – which can be literally ANYTHING. Why did I decide to start a […]